
Posts by Andreea

Media trip in Cluj, Romania – behind the scenes (part 1)

TweetThroughout the last week of March I had a media trip in the wonderful and picturesque city of Cluj, Romania. The city is located in the midst of Transylvania and, as most tourists, Romanian and foreign alike, already know, it’s filled to the brim with loads of hot spots, not to mention the surrounding areas. […]


I’m part of the #AmbitiousTribe

TweetI was approached the other day by Kath, Editor-in-Chief of magazine. They have started a project called #AmbitiousTribe, in which they feature entrepreneurs from around the world who have an interesting story to tell and advice to share with their peers. It was a great honor and pleasure to answer the questions that Kath […]


Why human resources and marketing blend well

TweetThey’re all about promotion and promoting – companies, services, people. They’re all about choosing the right message to convey and convene your audience. They both serve as slices of the same delicious pie that execs and employees should feast on. Regardless of individually set KPIs, I believe that these two departments should go together like […]


Iconic movie quotes: use them wisely (part 1)

TweetI have a thing for Steven Soderbergh. Or the ocean. Or guys with glasses and slight baldness. Or Ocean’s series. Or, more plausibly, for all of the previously mentioned ‘items’. With a pinch of taste for poker, though I’m steering clear of such temptations. I’m currently watching ‘Ocean’s 12’ for the… (sigh) time :-). If […]


The Harvey Specter zazz – and some iconic quotes to live by

TweetI kind of sometimes most likely don’t conform ?. Suits was, up until a point, just another example marble in my unconventional chain. Everyone was buzzing about Harvey Specter. Facebook was beginning its Suits flood. Even my husband had taken it up. I was adamant to start watching when pigs flew – and, whaddayaknow – […]


A woman in her 30’s guide to happiness (part 2)

TweetI should start by saying this isn’t necessarily part of the ‘guide’, but you’ll find that in all the good circumstances in your life, you (should) go by it: always to a follow-up ?. And… then there’ no. 6: pick your battles. Unless it’s a life or death situation or actually debating whether to read […]


A woman in her 30’s guide to happiness (part 1)

TweetI am not the type of woman who reads self-motivating books. I’ve tried to finish Dale Carnegie’s Secrets to Success and landed at – wild guess over here ? – page 10. Never made it to page 11. However, I’m a very competitive person and I compete on a frequent basis with myself. Sometimes, that […]


Watch out: my Netflix comedy picks

TweetHad I not become a journalist-turned-MarCom specialist, there’s a high likelihood I would’ve become either a performer oooor… a performer’s performance specialist ?. Basically, this is how I would sum up my unquenchable thirst for movies and TV series and my potential commentator-critic role I would one day assume. Until that day – and yes, […]


Ooh-la-la, Vive la France – and its actors and actresses

TweetSeeing Allied for the second time – although not the biggest of fans of this WW2 love drama – did stir up something: my urge to write some more ☺️. Marion Cotillard is one of the new generation French actresses I’ve had my sights on ever since 2006 and her appearance alongside Russell Crowe in […]

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