Rebranding your business – the right way to go

When you don’t have enough clients, when you want to enter a new market niche, when your image is outdated and doesn’t match your business targets – to name but a few examples, what do you do? Well, the obvious choice would be a rebranding campaign.

Many business owners sense there’s a need for change, but don’t actually know how to tackle this particular change and how to go about it. Obviously, every situation is particular and every business unique, but my first and foremost recommendation would be to go ahead with a market and feasibility study. Then comes the budget and the particular channels to focus on. And then… the fun part is here: once you have clearly identified your mission and goals as a business owner, once you have re-examined your process and strategy, it’s time to start lifting the face of your brand!

This may be considered “the fun bit”, but it can actually be the most complicated of all. We would all like to say that we don’t judge a book by its cover, but honestly? Would you buy a book that had a dark and horrifying image on the front when it is supposed to be a comedy novel? When it comes to your brand, then, you have to really think about every single thing that your target audience will feast their eyes upon.

Along the years, I’ve had the pleasure of taking part in several rebranding campaigns, most of which being for companies in retail and e-tail. This month, myself and my colleagues carried out a visual rebranding campaign for a shoe manufacturing company – we dug our heels in deep and these are some of the samples of the work that we carried out – more to be revealed soon. From a small atelier to a promising online business – it’s in the details and I love to master the big picture! So… on to the next! 🙂

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